What Must I Do?

I must admit that in God’s sight I am a helpless sinner.

Romans 3:23 says, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” All men and women are sinners indiscriminately. That is to say, though there may be some distinction between us in the degree we have sinned; there is no difference in the fact that we have sinned. This statement includes me. In thought, word and deed I have continually disobeyed God’s commandments and fallen short of what I should have been. Consequently, I have been banished from God’s presence as Isaiah 59:1-2 makes clear: “Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you.” Furthermore I am helpless to fix the problem. No amount of good works can win God’s favor. In utter humility, I must admit that I am a helpless sinner. I need a Savior to make me right with God.


I must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to be the Savior I need.

According to Galatians 2:20, the Son of God “loved me and gave himself for me.” He carried my sins in his own body. He was made sin for me. More than that, he voluntarily endured the penalty I deserved because of my sins. 1 Peter 3:18 says, “For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God.” So, Christ the innocent One, suffered for the sins that I, the guilty one had committed, in order to bring me back to God.


I must come to Christ through prayer and claim my personal share in what he did for everyone. 

He died to be the Savior of the world I must ask him to be my Savior. He bore the sins of all people; I must ask him to take my sins away. He suffered to bring everyone back to God. I must ask him to bring me.

In making this personal decision to claim, by faith, I share in what Jesus Christ did for everyone.


Contact us if you would like more information, or if you made this decision so we can help you grow in your relationship with God.