What is AWANA?
AWANA stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed. It is an international, non-profit children’s club that includes games, singing, Bible Stories, scripture memory, and friendship. We teach the good news of Jesus Christ, which is summed up in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
The AWANA program at Christian Fellowship of Winlock is for children pre-school through high school. AWANA is divided into 3 age groups. Preschoolers are in the Cubbie Program. Cubbies are part of the opening and closing ceremonies, but are separate from the older kids during most of the evening. They sing songs, hear stories, play games, and memorize Bible verses. Kindergarten through second grade is called the Sparky program, third through sixth grade is called Truth & Training, and Junior high and high school is Trek. Each week we have an opening and closing ceremony and the children rotate through three stations: Council Time is a time of singing and Bible stories; Game Time is playing games and having snacks; and Handbook Time is a chance for your child/children to work on and recite their memory verses. All Awana workers have passed the Washington State Patrol Background Check.
When is AWANA?
AWANA meets on Thursday nights from October through April. We begin at 6:00 pm and end at 8:00 pm. We follow the Winlock School District calendar, so if there is school that day, then there is AWANA that night. This is true for holidays and inclement weather. Please do not drop off your child/children before 5:45 pm or pick them up later than 8:15 pm. Due to safety concerns, you must come in to the church to pick up your child/children.
How much does AWANA cost?
$20 per child or $50 per family (3 or more). This includes their uniform, handbook, Grand Prix Car and any awards they may earn during the year. Cubbies (preschool) is only $20 per child as well. There is no charge for visitors, until they decide to join our AWANA Club. Additional costs will be implemented for the replacement of lost books, uniforms and Grand Prix cars.
**We play a lot of running games, so please make sure your child wears appropriate running shoes and clothes.
If you’d like to contact us with any questions or concerns, here’s the best way to get hold of us:
Jerry Voyles, AWANA Commander ~ 360-295-3175 ~ jvoyles@centurytel.net
Lisa Smith, AWANA Secretary ~ 360-785-3411 ~cfwawana@gmail.com
Christian Fellowship of Winlock ~ church office ~ 360-785-4280 ~ cfwinlock@gmail.com