
Adult Sunday School
Rusty Cox leads us Sunday mornings at 9:00am in a verse by verse Bible study encouraging questions and discussions.

Adult Bible Study
Pastor Terry facilitates this Bible study also known as Rt. 66 on Sunday evenings at 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Enjoy fellowshipping together with other women at various events, join our Ladies' Bible Study, and don't forget our annual Conference at Cannon Beach!

Victory Night Prayer
Join Pastor Terry and Kathy as they lead a time of prayer for our church, community, country, and other prayer requests Tuesday evenings at 6:00pm.

Additional Classes
Throughout the year we offer a variety of shorter classes as interest and need arises. Listed here are some possible subjects for upcoming classes:
- Baptism (for those interested in being baptized)
- Church Life (for those interested in joining our church)
- Marriage
- Parenting
- Financial Peace
- Various Bible Studies
- Your suggestions are also welcome